012 - Gate | Heke II
Price on Request
160 x 160 cm (63 x 63 in)
Acrylic on canvas
This painting features tracks from:
Impala, Leopard, Blue Wildebeest, Water Mongoose, Warthog, Lion, Genet, African Civet, Duiker, Hippopotamus, Southern Giraffe, Waterbuck, White Rhinoceros, Cape Buffalo, Nyala, Kudu, African Elephant

About “Gate | Heke II”
Your time in the bushveld ends as it began. Reaching the border between nature and society, you prepare to cross. Though as you reenter the modern world, a part of you will always remain in the wild.
Gate = “Heke” in Tsonga, the predominant African language from the region in which these tracks were collected.

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Artist’s Note
“When I began the Bushveld Series I knew I wanted it to begin and end with a set of twin paintings. The center circular patterns in both Gate I and Gate II are made with the same tracks though in a different style. One represents entering the unknown, the other exiting, changed by what you have experienced.”
— CW
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