002 - Entry | Nghena
— SOLD —
160 x 160 cm (63 x 63 in)
Acrylic on canvas
This painting features tracks from:
Hippopotamus, Southern Giraffe, Lion, African Leopard, Cape Buffalo, Spotted Hyena, Chacma Baboon, Waterbuck, Blue Wildebeest, African Civet, Genet, Black-Backed Jackal, Kudu, Nyala, Impala, and Warthog

About “Entry | Nghena”
As you enter the Bushveld, you are struck by something primal and familiar. Your senses awaken and a part of you begins to remember.
Entry = “Nghena” in Tsonga, the predominant African language from the region in which these tracks were collected.

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Artist’s Note
“The idea behind ‘Entry’ was to create the sensation of opening up. It is in the process of unfolding, of revealing itself, but is not quite complete.”
— CW
In the studio…